Sunday 23 May 2010

Italy goes tits-up ... well they have to copy the Greeks at everything I suppose huh ...!!

Italy apparently has become the 'New Zimbabwe' alegedly ... if my sources have to be believed. Apparently there is an exodus (similar to Ireland) of all da-Yoot' as in the youth ... the Young Turks all bailing out and leving the sinking ship to Mein Fuhrer Senor Berlusconi (i.e. Mussolini with acne). Like the aforemention Southern African regime ... the angry young men and women are all fleeing to the safe haven of Britain to seek political assylum (as if Britain wasn't already Europe's largest self-contained nut-house now anyway). Italian youth like their Zimbabwean counterparts are also running scared and have decided that discretion is the best part of valour and they chicken-out and ran-away in their droves.

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