Saturday 24 April 2010

Afghan-nae-no-dae-that ...!!!

It would be fun if a film director made a spoof horror film to demonstrate how crazy superstitious nonsense is driving the lunkheids system of belief.
It could start with a butch manly voice (like the standard Hollywood one already used to promote upcoming films on standard cinema trailers)

Trailer Voice: “For centuries they tried to escape from it …!!”
(dramatic music starts)

“… they tried in vain but could not hold it back …!”

(music like scary stuff from ‘Jaws’)

“… no matter how much they tried it could not be forced back …!”

(dramatic music becomes more frantic …!! )

“The evil could not be contained …!!”

(drums in music building to a crescendo)

“… in vain they could not force this evil to remain contained away from their eyes
… it’s power was too much for them …!!”

(trumpets and drums almost hit an orgasmic crescendo)

“… they were at last overcome by it’s true evil power …!!”

(a voice shrieks in terror)

“… it was …!!”

(trailer voice almost shoots his load with excitement … as music hits peak of excitement)

“… it was …!”
(screams of horror rise to volcanic eruption)

“… an uncovered female head of hair …!”
(Muslim woman takes of her hijab and throws it in the bonfire)
I picture a total honey like Penelope Cruz or her mate Salma Hayek in this kind of film.
The anticipation would rise amongst the cinema audience as she gets to the point where she thrusts forward to tear off her hijab and reveal her long flowing locks of beautiful shoulder length hair in all it’s glory.

Why Pene Cruz could almost add to it with her normal advert one-liner
… “because your WORTH IT …!!!”

Again …
… I can dream can’t I??
However there isn’t a film producer or a director anywhere in Hollywood with enough fire in their belly (or zest in their spineless bodies) to commit to such a project
… none of them have the balls!!
Nobody in Hollywood has the bravery to make a film of that nature.
They have been systematically bashed
… into submission and self-censorship by Muslim fascists.

Afghani-no-dae-that again!!!

… aye chance wid be a fine thing hen!!

Onywayes peeps … got tae get oot th’noo in … this gloriously warm sunny Yorkshire morning … back here in Blighty … can’t believe it’s only late April.
My sexy other-half is looking luscious in her fetching denim miniskirt and cute red t-shirt … however … being a Yorkshirewoman … she is telling me in extra unsubtle terms that it’s time too yo-hoh Joe.
… bella ciao for now
… toodle-pip Roger old bean.
… okey-dokey Cynthia-hhh darrr-ling …
… let’s get in the Hali-coater and drive doon tae Asda’s afore the rush starts hen.

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