Saturday 24 April 2010

se llama 'comeback' ... cam'oan dunderheid ...!!

Se llama ‘comeback’ … aw naw no again …??

Aw … lunkheid is another lawyer huh??
Aw well I guess that clarifies the situation slightly.

Onywayes …
Back to the parque de Doctor Jekyll.
Long before ‘uncle poe-face’ and wan-kaaahhh the lawyer cunt hit the dance flair …
Ye know??
Well naw no really pal …!!
They still huvnae goat a Scoob.
Aw …!!
Shame huh??

“Well this is ‘comeback’ season …!”
… Ahh suppose … supongo …!!
Vamos a bailar Ernestito huh …??

Jesus H. Christ … OR other such imaginary persons.
In this next sketch … we will pretend we actually knew
… cunt-A ‘n’ cunt-ay’s wife before he did.
Ahh well … “nivir inhaled”
… as dough-heid once said …!!!

This (at last) brings me swiftly onto the latest lunk-heid …
One senor polla-fungí himself … hmmm??

That’s right dough-heid
… Mr. Hussain O’Bummer
… el Presidente
… foooooooohhh-kks-sake
Jesus pal …!!
These student numpties still don’t get it do they??

Aw …
… querida vieja … as yer man used tae say huh??
… “Well this is ‘comeback’ season …!”
hmmmm …!!
“Amor … te voy a comprar … un avioncito para volar …!!”
Aw naw …
Christ … dough-ball still doesnae get it …!!
Serves ye right for studying Law ya lazy shitebag … hof-wit-fuck-wit …!!

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