Sunday 25 April 2010

Dos_perras_y_un_Yorkie ... part 2 ... ay las lobitas ... que bueno

It was late at night and one was rather a wee bit too shagged oot with all this frightfully modern hip-dude patter (banter to you senor Cameron old bean ... pip pip old chap)
"Yes I agree with Prick ... ooops I mean Nick je je ...!

(rolling on floor with uncontrolable fits of laughter at the prospect of yon restaurant-trashing chappie in a position of responsibility such as our future Prime Minister)

Ahh well here is a wee song for 'youse young yins' ... 'n'at

Vengo vengo vengo de caña
vengo vengo vengo del son
tengo tengo tengo en el alma
ritmo ritmo ritmo y sabor
Vengo de raza y de palmera
De campo y de labriego
De caña y de madera
Mi orgullo es ser latina
De mar y cordillera
Ardiente como el fuego
Soy sangre de mi tierra

“The truth is written all along that way …!”

(jangly musica ahora senorita por fahhh)

“… How old will I be … before ahhh
… come of age for you …??

oye maestro ... musica por favor ...!!

auf wiedersehen numpty ...!!

Hiroshima ... boooom (sizzle)
Nagasaki ... booooooooom (sizzle)

ohh golly gosh Herr Oppenheimer
... that's progress I suppose huh

What ever will these boffins (scientist chappies) think of next huh ...??

(another dramatic drum roll as the trumpets kick in again)

There that should wake these dullards in Hyde Park up a wee bit huh??
I am too nieve and optimista huh??

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