Friday 23 April 2010

Only infidel whores need a clitoris

Some of you are no doubt wondering
… what’s happening in Muckle Toon?
Simple answer.
British General Election time.
Last week we had the first of a series (and a first for Brit TV) of U.S.-style Presidential televised debates with the three dunderheids vying to be the future leader of the Brit government.
Jessie Broon (the current Prime Minister) versus Lunkheid David Cameron(a.k.a. ‘Tony Blair-lite’); and ‘vayas a la mierde’ Nick Clegg.

How pish poor and pathetic really.
Stage-managed corporate pish by any other name.
They all pretend they are different
(Cockney accent)
… hoh hoh hoh
Oy should bleedin’ Coco.

Whoever wins …
… bankers will still be fat & greedy
… the rich will get richer … the poor will get poorer
… and Britain will continue on it’s path
… to becoming an Islamic Caliphate.

This is all tied in with a 1960’s politician called Enoch Powell and his infamous “Rivers of Blood” speech.
Basically politicians have this unspoken / unchallenged unwritten rule that they can not get to close to the bone for fear of being accused of racism.
This is why to go back to the 1990’s Grunge-Rock song …
… ‘and there’s too much hesitation’

So much so that they pish their boxer shorts at the thought of an unscripted encounter with a ‘live’ audience of their peers
… i.e. Joe Public.
So the ‘debate’ last week and that one yesterday
… was stage-managed pish.
Unfortunately in our corporate world
… of hacks and Spin-Doctors’
… an actual proper ‘live’ debate is a wee bit too risky.

Ohh well better go buy the wife a new burka
… ‘panic now and avoid the rush’ … huh …!

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