Monday 26 April 2010

Ohh yes I agree with Prick ...oooops ...!!

So that was a Party Election message for the Yorkshire Conservatives
also known as the Pub-trashing (Lunch-Club) student Fraternity ...!!

(pub-restaurant trashers and wrecking crew

... wizzard wheeze old bean
... top hole let's go smash up another restaurant

... student high-pranks Officer
... I say here is my Platinum Amex plastique old chap ... will that cover the cost of the repairs to the premises then old chap?

... Excellent
... good man
... ok Boris where to next old bean ... I say old man shall we give this girlie / damn fine filly a good 'Rodgering' again old man or shall we just go and trash another restaurant first old chap ... what what ... I say old bean this is a fine evenings sport Boris old chap ... next)

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