Saturday 24 April 2010

Christ ... !!!

For fooooohh-kksss sake
“Ay Ernestito … por favor compa … cam’oan get the Boab intae yon Chilean slapper whilst her hubbie isnae lookin’!”

Nope …??
Aw well … I guess fowk were different back then in 1952 huh??
Naw no really pal actually Cynthia darling.
Onywayes … Rosita
… a.k.a. Ms. Student Hot-pants
… and her fantasy about Nigel givin’ her a damn good Rogering once they goat hame fae Hyde Park later oan.
Fooooohh-kksake Nigel take yon wee lassie hame and bang the arse aff her huh??
You see being sensitive souls (lost sheep)
… well they are a wee bit handicapped so to speak.
Somebody give these stupid bastards from the remedial class
… a.k.a. Leeds University a foooohh-king Scoob.

Nahh … that’s impossible
… I hear the cynics retort …!!
Cam’oan Cynthia sweetie …
… get ‘with the programme’ honey …
… as in pronto
… as in now now hun …!!
Nope …
Abre la puerta estupido …
… still doesnae get it …!!

Thickos huh …!!
Aw well we shall huvtae build them a new ‘Ivory Tower’ I suppose hmmmm …???

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