Saturday 24 April 2010

Wake up and smell the cafe solo buddy

Sin centavo … aw yer skint pal … ahh well!!

Onywayes …
… Heavan help oor stereotypical Tartan Boab.

The soor mulk of our intellectual cream dinnae get it dae they??

For foooooooohh-kkkssss sake !!!

Anyway Hyde Park was ‘hoachin’ (translation: extremely busy … jam packed foo!
… as in stuffed tae the gunnells) with these young Turks … a.k.a. ‘waky’students.
Help mahh f’ing Boab.

Not wan o’ them hud a Scoob
(translation: they were ever so slightly slow … as in dull … as in stupid)

As I said earlier …
… not easy havin’ a laff these days.
Too many ‘sensitive souls (lost sheep?)
… and eejits wae nae sense o’ humour … nivir mind decorum!!

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