Friday 23 April 2010

Vayas a la mierde Nick Clegg ... por favor senor

Some of you may say that I am being alarmist here by juxtaposing Islam with Hitler’s rise to power.
Well …!!
Let’s look at this objectively shall we.

In the past 13 years of Blair /Brown’s administration there has been unfettered Islamification of Britain.
There has been an ongoing programme of mosque building
… and every week new ones are applying for planning permission.

Ok … I hear you say …
… people have the right
… in a democracy
… to choose
… which particular version of the ‘God-thing’
… that they wish to subscribe to.

Hmmmm …

Not quite!!
Most modern people in Europe are not religious.
In fact the majority are agnostic or outright atheist actually.
That is part and parcel of being modern
… and rejecting unscientific backward superstitious shite!!!
The problem (as I see it however others may well disagree) is that Islam is a rigid-thinking; backward; extremely authoritarian; stultified; intellectually-retarded; fear-based; and sexually-repressed load of pish.
… most Imams (the geezers leading the ‘faithful’ to prayer)
… in British mosques are foreign-born and trained in backward repressive countries (like Saudi Arabia).

Also because Muslim communities tend to be self-isolating and as a whole do not integrate well with modernity
… well as that famous phrase went 40 years ago
… when the Apollo Mission went tits up … “Houston we got a PROBLEM!!”

Islam itself is a barrier to integration into the ways of our increasingly secular modern world.

Now then …
… some will point their self-righteous fingers in indignation
… and accuse me of being RACIST

… WHIT???

Yea I said it …
… racist?

No way Jose.

Since when did Islam become a skin-colour?

Islam is not a skin colour …!!!

It is not racist to criticise / mock / laugh about (or puke on) this backward sexually repressed 7th Century fascist silly bollocks!!!
In fact
… I wish Prime Minister Brown;
… lunkheid David Cameron;
… and yon atheist Liberal geezer wae the sexy Spanish wife
… el senor Nick Clegg
… would lead the way!!

But they won’t
… they don’t have the balls
… they are far too frightened and cowed into submission like the corrupt sell-out bastards that they are. Too busy hand-wringing and hesitating huh. Ohh well that’s politicians for ya huh?
It just won’t
I repeat will not
… happen.
Even though Clegg is a ‘loud and proud atheist’ himself
… WELL his liberalism rapidly comes to an abrupt end
… when it comes to Islam.

He should actually have an opinion on this subject
… since the country
… where his sexy Spanish wife Miriam
… hails from
… was firmly under the fascist boot of Islam for centuries until the 15th century.

However I won’t go into how 15th century Christianity re-took Spain back from the Islamofascists of their day … again loads of other people cover it quite adequately elsewhere.

(vomits in bucket one more time)
As the famous words of that 1990’s Grunge-Rock song went:

“Well there’s too much hesitation
… yes there’s too much HESITATION!!”

Our hesitating politicos would rather do nothing
… like the effete numpties that they are
… and wait for the so-called ‘nice Islam’
… to chase away the ‘nasty Islam’
What PISH!!
I had better go and empty this rather full vomit bucket now huh???

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