Sunday 25 April 2010

Oye guapa ... es muy triste ... asi??


las islas Malvinas de 1982
(rather than 1952 ...!)

"... Chipi chipi ... amor te voy a comprar un trencito ...!!"

Nice wee song Ernesto huh??

Que guapa esta loba ...!!

"There's a she-wolf ...!"
A rare wee chanter yon Colombiana chica huh.

"Concha tu madre ...!"
(mechanic break wine bottle over bar and leads chasing pack of angry Chilean chappies all shouting ...)

"Get the fuck oot of our disco you Argentinean bastards and don't 'comeback' ...!!"

Jesus ... it's not easy having a good time these days old chap.
Do you think the Chilean slapper was actually wanting the Boaby banged intae her??

Was it more a case of:
"That man standing in your way ... he's mahh man and he don't play ...!"

muy misteriosa senora ...
Capitano Scarlett

"This is the voice of the Mysterons ...!!

"Ay si la tele britanico de los anos 70's asi? ...!

Aye aye captain
I say he is finally getting it Roger old chap

... asi esa mi gusta senora ...!!

Rael like a good time I like a good rhyme

"... and the Lamb lies down on Broadway ...!!"

"A seasoned witch could take you ...!"

Aw naw no the 1970's again pal ... that sounds pure Keech van der Reech tae me.

hasta la vista

"... Te voy a comprar ... un avioncito para volar ...!"

Christmas Island ... booooom (sizzle)
or was it
Easter Island ... boooom (sizzle)

... or back to the 'Shandon Project'

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