Thursday 8 April 2010

The start

I have started this blog because it seems very important to freely express yourself in the modern world we live in.
I am a Scot, however I live in the North of England and have previously lived in other parts of the E.U.

Many people have never left their own street ... never mind the city or town they grew up in.
Very few people make the effort (well in England anyway) to learn another European language. For the purposes of 'integration' this seems extremely important.

Early this week, the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown ... our 'great leader' (and also Scottish)... went to see Queen Lizzie (that woman of German extraction whose face is on our Brit money) to ask her permission to dissolve parliament and declare the date (6th May 2010) for the British General Election.
I am struck by the fact that many people do not seem to care about this or other aspects of their lives
... which are part and parcel of living in a modern secular democracy.

Also it being an Election now seems like a good time to voice certain opinions since as the old adage goes "diversity is strength"
... and diversity of opinion is a good thing too!!


I imagine most people under the age of 35 have just collectively sighed a massive yawn
... have logged off now
... and stopped reading
... hmmm?

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