Friday 23 April 2010

Future of Miss France contest

Well I suppose we should inject more humour into this blog thingy huh??
As I said in a previous post I have been busy lately and have not done any new posts to this here blog thingy.

However a French pal recently sent me a picture
… of the ‘next Miss France contest’
See the burka-babe picture …!

He was telling me how Bridgette Bardot (a 1960’s French sex symbol / Film Star) was being hounded by the Muslim fascists in her native France for daring to be a ‘mouthy woman’ and voice her opinions.
My French mate … whom we shall refer to as Jacques
… or if you are Scottish
… is as my Spanish pal says:
mucho sarcástico

Jakey / Jacques was telling me about the future direction
… of the Miss World franchise
… when Britain; France and the rest of Europe are firmly under the fascist boot of Islam.
I will translate his
… ‘Sac a patates’ joke if I may be permitted.
Apparently Belle de Fontenay is a potato joke
… lost in translation anyway.
The jist of it is that instead of lots of lovely ladies in bikinis it will become
… the Miss Sack of Spuds contest instead
… as our burka-clad babes vie for the top spot.

In this ‘New France’ the burka
… is in
… and Bardot’s ‘Old France’ of the mini-skirt
… is out

No wonder Nicolas Sarcozy is struggling huh?

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