Wednesday 28 April 2010

Hali-tonking ... otra vez compa ... asi te gusta???

Just you wait ‘enry ‘iggins
Our inquisitive American Friend was becoming increasingly hostile and abusive to his British hosts.
“You Limey fruits are a load of useless cunts!”
MacDonald smiled gently and explained to Jones that they had resuscitated the two are were still holding them in a segregated and guarded area.
Doctor Braithwaite slid past Jones expecting a mouthful.
“Would you care for some tea Mr. Jones?”
“You fuckin’ pussy wussy Limeys and your godamn tea … ma’am I’m American … we only drink coffee.!” He snarled.
Dee Braithwaite signalled to the serving lass and she fetched him a strong black coffee.
“Your Americano Mr. Jones Sir …!”
The serving lass courteously withdrew.
“Christ you Limey bastards can’t even make coffee.” He growled.
MacDonald and Braithwaite continued their measurements.
“Shall I fit their caps now?”
“No in a moment please Dee.” MacDonald replied. MacDonald booted up the calibration machine.
“Ok Dee fit them now.”
Dee fitted the skull-caps.
Gray and Sotouday were only semi-conscious.
“Lt. Commander Gray used to like Earl Grey Tea …!” Dee smiled adjusting the caps so they tuned to the correct telemetry.
Their eyes opened suddenly as MacDonald aligned the pulses correctly.
“Call Jones over I wish him to observe this one.”
Dee responded with a sarcastic grin then called Jones.
“Mr. Jones we require your assistance please Sir.”
“Run Quantification Sequence 17 Dee please!”
His female colleague adjusted her tartan mini-kilt then responded in her broad Leeds accent. “Si si senor … connecting now.”
The algorithmic sequence loaded and telemetry was adjusted.
The electrical activity of the British and Iranian brains responded.
“So what does this do Mac?”
“It measures and quantifies the electrical activity of the human brain … we can then run some new tests to ascertain if they lie in response to our questions. Consequently we may establish which is Lt. Commander Gray and which one is the Iranian chap.”
MacDonald then turned to Dee.
“Dee bring in the device now!”
“Yes Doctor.” She replied pressing the button.
“Observe Mr. Jones … we are now going to do something significant!”
A cylindrical device appeared which scanned around the bodies of Gray and Sotouday. Two lasers carefully buzzed around their heads and faces carefully avoiding eye contact so as not to do damage to the retinas of their eyes.
“What’s this do Mac??”
MacDonald did not respond but looked intensely at the monitor instead.
Onscreen a revolving 3-D image of the skulls started to build.
‘Esperame en cielo corazón’ began singing by the Trio Boriquien and Papo Valle.
“Excellent choice of music Mac … but is it necessary?” Jones smiled cynically.
“Yes Mr. Jones … Lt Commander Gray used to live in Latin America … did you not get briefed on that one.”
“Yea Mac … I had forgotten that one!”
“He was also particular fond of his Latino girlfriend who sang in a pop group too … playing Latino music should assist us to establish which one is our guy and which one the Iranian.”
The song ended and Amor a la Mexicana by Thalia Sodi came on.
“He was a big Thalia fan.” Dee grinned at Jones.
“Ohh and Kate Bush of course … naturally.” MacDonald interjected.
Dee made a few adjustments to the machinery.
“Ok re-calibration complete.”
“Brilliant Dee run Quantification Sequence 13 then.”
The lasers began to device a new route plan.
“Adjust the Patterning Frame now … Step Up 15 Units Dee.”
The room brightened slightly and the electric supply wowed. Maria Mercedes by Thalia now played. One of the bodies became more animated.
“Could that be Gray?” Jones asked expectantly.
Jones scratched his chin and drank a mouthful of coffee.

Candy finished her wee shag.
Sitting up on the bed she looked Carlos in the eyes.
“Ye nivir made me cum ya Mexicano geek!”
Pene Cruz sang her wee song on the DVD of Volver.
“Tengo miedo de la noche …!” Cruz sang on the video.
Candy had a British cousin called Mary who worked in Tesco’s in Catterick. She was a slim brunette in her mid-20’s but had recently dyed it red with a spiky punky look.
Candy and Mary shared an interest in rock festivales and política.
Mary had spent the summer of 2008 in the USA with her American cousin touring with a rock band. Candy’s phone rang then she looked at Carlos as she answered.
“Hi Mary … what’s the weather like over there in Britain then?”
“It’s shite … we don’t get your lovely Californian summers over here … I am on my way to work … I am on the bus from Richmond, remember those photos I emailed ya?”
“Yea … it’s 23:45hrs here … guess it’s real early in England now huh?”
Mary looked at her watch and it said 07:42hrs.
“Yea too fuckin’ early for me I was at the Town Hall Tavern in Richmond last night argueing with my boyfriend Jim as usual.”
“Yea hun I got yer thingy … the link to the YouTube stuff … very interesting sugar … you know those guitar guys personally?”
“Yea shagged the bass player 4 months ago.”
“Cool!” Candy grinned as Carlos got out of bed. Candy didn’t even say goodbye to him but kept talking.
“Look Candy I have to go now we are pulling into Catterick now!”
“Ok I am coming over to Europe soon I’ll come to the UK and meet ya!”
Carlos banged the street door to Candy’s house as he left.
Candy was Mrs. Jones’s step-sister.
“Hi carino … como estas babe?” Mrs Jones replied upon hearing Candy greet her.
“I am in San Diego … and you?”
“England!” Jones’s wife replied.
“Hell … I have just been talking to Mary over there!”
“Raining here today … what ya got there?”
Candy lit a fag then hung up. Her call finished as Mrs Jones had lost her signal had failed due to the fact she was out in the sticks.
Five minutes later Mrs Jones was in Richmond town square.
The Town Hall pub was behind the museum. She had arranged to meet her husband inside.
“Hi hun … how was yer flight?” Jones asked.
“Not bad I have been learning a new accent so its been a difficult job with these boys from the Drama department. How about you sugar?” she replied sipping her drink as her husband’s phone rang.
“Yea sure Mac … will do!” he hung up then kissed his wife’s cheek.
“Will see ya later!” she replied.
Jones went out to the square where he had parked his car.

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