Thursday 29 April 2010

Jessie Broon takes a nose-dive at last ... thank fuck for that.


Yessss as BBC Anchor Jeremy Paxman would say

... hoh ho ho!!
Only a week to go now though huh!!!

... Does Jessie Broon
... and the rest of his keech-smelling eejits
... know the way to the nearest Social Security Offices
... in their Sooon-to-be-FORMER constituencies (to sign-on 'the Dole' ... with the rest of the great-unwashed they have crapped on for the last 13 years)??

Guess 'Sam Cam' got
... a raahhhhh-ttt good shag
... from David Cameron this morning
... as Tory orgasmic joy reached uncontrollable levels of exstatic un-adulterated glee??

Ahh suppose you expect politicos to occasionally make 'unscripted' remarks these days huh??
Spin-doctor faggot-boy-in-chief
... Peter Mandelson probably chocked on sperm this morning
... whilst him and his fellow-arse-bandid partner were pushing the fudge huh??

Nae luck dum-dum ...!!

Ahh well next week it will be all over huh!!!

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