Saturday 24 April 2010

Really irritatin' fooooooo-hh-kk-pigs

Nahh ... I hear you suddenly retaliate ...

Aye chance wid be a fine thingey ... huh ...??

(pass yon puke bucket)
... otra vez senora Miriam Clegg
... la abogada britanica
... que lastima verdad ...??

What I find really annoying is not the APATHY
... of these
... 'cool' wan-kaaaaa-hass

Nope ...!!!

They are perfectly entitled to
... 'not give a shit'
... or hold an opinion
... or not Register to Vote ...

That's freedom of expression for ya ...

Freedom of Speeech etc etc etc ...!!

'Ohhh I agree with Nick ...!!"

Piss off numpty ...!!

There is unfortunately no polite ... nor inoffensive 'politically correct' (i.e. down-right Politically Niave) way to say it ...!

Yea ok spelling was not my strong point huh ...!!
What annoys me is they actually believe it is 'cool'
... to be stupid
... dis-enfranchised and un-involved.

Contextual detail ...
Oan Brit TV just now there is an advertisement ...
some may say it is also ... 'cool'

Onywayes ... a small furry animal wae a Russian accent ...
Get the point ...?

..."Yes my great grand-father did not fight and die in Three World Wars ...
... so you could get a cheap shag babe ...!!"

If you go to 'Tropical World' in Roundhay Park
... Leeds ... West Yorkshire ...
Check them oot ...!!
The Meer-cats ...!
Seeeee-mm-ple qu-keeeeh-kkk

Onywayes ...
Nigel ...
as in ...
..."We're only making plans for Nigel ...!"
as the old 1980's song used to go ...!!

and Cynthia ... his shaggin' partner ...
... who's probably been well and truelly 'Roger-ed' by now huh ...!!
Aye bang the Boaby intae her again pal ...!

I actually thought it was some kinda ... realisation ... awakening ... spiritual re-birth ... so to speak ...
... but as I said earlier ...
Ms. Student Hot-Pants
... was only fantasizing aboot Nigel's cock
... banging intae her again
... and again
... and again
... and again.

Yup ... light-weights ... retards ... hof-wits ... fuck-wits ... remedial class lawyers
... wan-kaaaahh-ss ...

Shame really ...!!
But that is student bed-sit land for you now-adays huh ...!!

Jesus Christ ...
Cynthia ...
yer grand-mother burnt her bra for you hen
... why did she bother ...??

Ask Germaine Greer ...
'The Female Eunuch'
yon Ozzie Lemon Curd ...
Marge Piercy
... another 'radical' 1960's dude ...!!

Now ...
... like Clive James
... and other 1960's
... hip-dudes of their day

... boring and sad huh ...
well thank you ...!!

Nahh ... !!
That sounds a wee bit too frightfully Modern for us huh??

Hebden Bridge ... West Yorkshire
... boring 40 yrs ago
... does not improve with age ...
... all good wine eventually turns to vinegar
... huh
... crap 40 years ago
... still crap now
... today
... in 2010
... huh ...!!!!

40 bad trips ...
... every one an O'Bummer ...
... but still trying
... Woodstock
... Stonehenge
... Greenham Common
... Haight Ash-boring
... crap-ooohh-shh-kah-yaahh
... simple
... hmmm?

You get the point???
Nahh ...
they nivir do ... regretably

Like Mick Jagger
... Elton John
... Cher
... and all the other boring pensioner has-beens
... a la Band-Aid-Live-Aid-Bob-Geldoff
... bore the tits aff me again circuit ...
... hasbeens
... bores
... recycled teenagers
... aging Rock-n-Rollers ...!

The 1960's was dull
... it only produced self-indulgent druggy wankers who nivir grew up
... moved on
... realised that they were not really ... 'cool'
... got old gracefully
... Neil Young
... Joni Mitchell
... self-indulgent arse-holes that never grew-up

Shame really
Here endeth the rant ...

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