Wednesday 28 April 2010

Looper Straat … Parte Uno

Two comatose forms were wheeled off the plane in stretchers.
“Ready for onward transportation to Yorkshire, just sign here pal!”
Simmons signed the Release Form and took charge of the two wounded ones.
He was glad to leave RAF Brize Norton.
The trip up the A1 was boring.
Kelly was a complete cynic.
“How come we always get to do this stuff Sir??”
“Shut-up and concentrate oan the drivin’ numpty!!”
Kelly went silent for the first time.
Captain Henderson was from South Lanarkshire from a small town near Glasgow.
“Right Kelly pull o’er here and wull huv a wee rest fur lunch!”
“Ok Captain …!” Kelly replied indicating he was exiting at Bedale.
“Why did we not fly up here to Leeming Sir??”
Henderson looked up from his laptop screen and grimaced.
“Ahhh … it’s ehh classified son … ours is no tae reason why ‘n’at!”
The young squaddie made sure his weapon was loaded and ready as he disembarked.
“Go and assist Sergeant Kelly will you … there’s a guid lad!”
“Good afternoon Captain, I am Chief Medical Officer MacDonald, I believe you have two of the chaps I’m to fix … where do I sign?”
MacDonald was a fellow Scotsman from Oban, who had grown up and gone to school and university in Glasgow.
Kelly and the younger soldier wheeled the patients out and put them in the ambulance.
“This is a bad one … hope you can sort it!!”
The Captain printed out the transfer from his laptop and MacDonald signed for them.
MacDonald’s assistants took over.
They drove past Catterick and onto Tunstall.
Pressing a button on the dashboard, a gate opened then the vehicle drove on down into the tunnel to the underground plex.The lift seemed to take ages.
“That’s about 15 floors down now … only three to go.
‘Basement level 18 Sector 7’ … the display read as the Voice Synthesiser announced their destination.
“Ok son wheel ‘em out now!”
The young soldier obeyed.
“Ahh MacDonald can you attend tonight’s briefing and fill us in with the scientific stuff?”
“My wife and I are going to dine with friends in Richmond at 21:00hrs!”
“Ahh you’ll be finished here long before that old chap!”
Various military and civilian folk were at the briefing.
“Ok … can everyone hear me ok?” MacDonald smiled as the girl adjusted his microphone.
“That’s you now Sir!!” Corporal Janice Brown grinned back as she finished her adjustments.
MacDonald continued addressing the crowd.
“Ok … we are not exactly sure but somehow we don’t precisely know which one is Lt. Commander Gray … and which is the Iranian chappie.”
“Sounds like a total fuck up … you Limey’s always screw it up huh?” Jones grinned in his broad New York accent.
“Any questions??” MacDonald asked as he finished summing up 28 minutes later.
They had been picked up on the Iran / Iraq border by a patrol.
Both were wounded.
“How come you can’t tell which one is the Muzzie and which one is the Limey then??” Jones piped up.
An awkward silence.
“Gray was on Special Assignment and had been dressed up to looked Iranian … does that answer our inquisitive American’s question??”
“Jesus pal … you Brits always fuck it up huh!” he murmured in response.

Gray had been with Special Ops for eight years and knew the score.
He was also briefed on what would happen should he fall into enemy hands or if his operation ran into unexpected difficulties.
Sotouday, was also briefed by his boss in the Basjii Militia.
He had come from a small Iranian village, and been offered by his aunt to the local commander after the death of his mother and father.
His dad was a martyr from the mid-80’s war between Iran and Iraq.
His mother had been executed for daring the question the wisdom of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Mouthy women were not tolerated.
His aunt did not have the economic wherewithal to raise another boy.
The militia had become his ‘new family’ at the age of 14.
A young impressionable boy … he was keen and rose through the ranks to a position of trust.
He was given the ‘honour’ of “marrying” young girls in the prison.
Under the rules of the Iranian regime, virgin females could not be executed, hence a ‘marriage’ was arranged the evening before and the girls were raped by the guards … their new ‘husbands’.
Being thick-skinned and resilient, Hassan Sotouday was well able to fulfil the role of the rapist and not feel any moral quandaries about what he was doing.
The girls were normally drugged with sedatives beforehand but some still fought back during the act of “conjugation”.
Occasionally a girl had actually scratched his face as he forced his penis deep inside her.
But normally they were too scared or had been bullied by an Imam.
The screams from the ‘marriage room’ were ignored by the other members of staff.
Hassan got lots of city girls … and he sometimes had to forcefully strip them naked first … often assisted by another guard.
Other girls submissively resigned to their fate did not get Hassan as excited as the ones who resisted.

Grey had been sent to rescue Helena Abdullah, an Italian British journalist who was in Tehran to report on the 2009 election campaign.
She was kidnapped and detained by the Basjii Militia.
However during the struggle, Gray and Sotouday were mixed up.
Abdullah was one of Sotouday’s prisoners, even though she had lost her virginity at 18. He still got to rape her in her cell anyway.
“Lie down infidel bitch … c’mon you British girls are all prostitutes anyway … ‘lie back and think of England’ honey!!” he laughed as he thrust his cock inside her.
Helena head butted him as he ejaculated inside her.
“Bitch …!” He growled and stabbed her with his knife.
She caught his ear between her teeth and ripped a large chunk out as he tried to withdraw.
Sotouday yelped.
He shot her with his pistol in the face.
Gray had got to the scene too late. Helena was already dead.
Half his Unit were also wounded.
A messy operation which had obviously been ‘rumbled’ by the enemy.

“How do we ascertain which one is Gray??” MacDonald asked General Thompson.
“Well Captain MacDonald … we need a special team I guess!!”

So the process started.
“I suppose they used pretty nasty tactics to finish the protests huh?”
“Yea … their regime is pretty desperate I guess!”
“So Gray never got to the journalist in time?”
“Nope security was breached … badly!!”

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