Friday 23 April 2010

..more on these fascist Muslim eejits.

Just read another article
... in jolly old Auntie Beeb's website
... about Belgium historic decision to stop the burka.

In true BBC style they interviewed a representative sample of Belgian female Muslim opinion.
(searching for puke bucket again)
Anyway this Belgian lassie who they did their 'vox pop' dod-to-dod doubray with is hilarious.
It goes on:

"... She is covered from head to foot, with just a small slit for her eyes. Even her hands are gloved.

If the new law is approved she could be fined or even arrested for dressing like this. And Selma says that is a threat to her rights.

"You have to realise that the niqab is a personal choice, at least in my particular case," she says.

The Beeb news article continues:

"Everyone should be free to express themselves the way they want, according to their conviction and religion, without having to abide by a law. But I'd be disappointed if in Europe we would not be free to do what we want"
How frighfully noble Selma old girl
... top hole old bean
... what what??

Keech van der Reech honey.

Look what happened to Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Selma (the Belgian vox pop lass)
Really honey
... get a life sugar
... and go home and tell your brother / uncle / father
and then the dreaded Imam (Muslim equavalent of priest / vicar / minister of religion)
... that you have decided on a recent shopping expedition that you want to start wearing bikinis

... or worse still

... mini-skirts!!

I am sure that your noble sentiments regarding freedom of choice will rapidly evaporate.
If you are lucky Selma my dear lady
... they will not:
... kidnap you;
... rape you;
... then knock thirteen kinds of crap out of you first.

However I suppose freedom of choice being freedom of choice
... well then

... we should obviously defend poor wee Selma's freedom to be
... a submissive; bottle-washing; soon to be married off too early; baby factory. Rather than a modern European woman ... hmmmmmm?

Her freedom to be a backward sexually repressed numpty ... huh?

Sure thing Selma honey
... you carry on hen!!

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