Friday 23 April 2010

Modern ... and I stress Modern Europe!!!

Been a wee bit too busy recently to write new blog entries however I just read this news item about the French President Nicolas Sarcozy and one of his aides being issued with a death threat.
Suddenly I got a flashback to the dark days of the 1980's Salman Rushdie Affair

... and my thoughts also turned to more recent events with that extremely valiant (and also extremely brave) former member of the Dutch Parliament Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
I won't go into detail here since both of these individuals have lots and lots of other stuff freely available on the Internet which you can search for yourselves.

Ms. Hirsi Ali's case is particularly relevant because she is a rare example of what happens when Muslim women have the dedication
... and I stress BRAVERY
... to speak out against this repressive anti-democractic backward seventh century codswallop masquerading
... as a so-called 'religion of peace'
(reaches for vomit bucket)

Her courage and determinition in the face of adversity is a shining example of what happens when you disagree with these backward seventh Century Islamofascists.

Anyway Sarcozy's aide got a death threat from these eejits!!
Also Belgium is about to outlaw / ban the Burka or Niqab ... well done to the Belgians.
Our weak-willed hand-wringing New Labour government have dithered / hesitated / and generally pissed about for too long.

This kind of shines light on Tony Blair's hollow words five years ago when he stood shoulder to shoulder with other world leaders at the G8 Conference at Gleneagles in Northern Scotland ... on the day after the July 7th attacks by a group of 'home-grown' Yorkshire Islamofascists ... he then said:

"The Rules have CHANGED!!"
... YEA sure they did Mr.Blair.

Unfortunately our own British government did not actually do anything real or concrete to ensure that Britain remains a SECULAR democratic country and does not become a backward seventh century Islamic Caliphate.

So why is Prime Minister Gordon Brown shilly-shallying whilst Islamic fundamentalism is on the march??

Could it be that the so-called 'Dunkirk Spirit' he recently refered in his electioneering
... is de facto 'no-more'??

Is it that the British want to become an Islamic Caliphate???

Remember what happened in the 1930's when people dithered and hesitated whilst Hitler got organised??
I would say we face a new fascism here in Europe and it is called Islam!!
We should realise that the threat from Islam is just as dangerous to modern Europe today
... as Hitler and the other Nazis were in the 1930's.
I make no apologies for expressing this point of view.

However look at Islam ... it ain't peaceful and it ain't into the secular modern world that we live in either
... in fact it is very determined that it will drag us backwards to the 7th century with it.

Well I for one prefer the modern world of the 21st Century

... what about yourselves?

However I do not hear any of the political parties in the General Election thingey actually saying what they will do to halt the Islamic threat.
Don't see or hear any of them promising to follow the French or Belgian example.
In fact the silence is deafening!!!

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