Saturday 24 April 2010


The problem wae yon Soft Soothern Nancies
... well the wans that spahh-tzeeerin-gay-inn Ooooop North (well of Watford Gap)
Is that they seem to lose their sense of proportion.

Guid thing too I hear ye instantly volley back como el senor JUAN McInRow (Tenista Yanqui de los anos setentas (1970's)

No sireeehh not embarressing senor numping van der pumping ...!
But then again most hof-wits at university now study PISH
... i.e. Law or worse still Social Science at university.
Nae wonder there are so many fuckin' air-heids masquerading as intellectuals at this her funky punky dance roon mahh handbag disco ...!

Ohh I agree with Nick ...!!
No senor ...
vayas a la mierde estupido tonto pajero ....!

Wan-kaaaa-hhh ...!!
Ohh dear can you tell that I was a dodgy Cockney before I lost my heart to a Starship Trooper (Yorkshirewoman) ...??
Dan Saff ... up Lundun mate
... wot a bleedin' laff huh ...??
Fooooooook-sake it's Lily Godamn Allen ...!!
Aw naw ... !!

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