Monday 7 June 2010

Cartel of fraudsters and gangsters ... yup ... that's what they aren in real life

I got a call the other day ... 'just by chance' aye right.
It was from a robotic chicken-head girl in a call-centre / customer contact centre for a large bank ... it does not really matter which one since all banks are identical and all of them treat you like shite too

... that is of course until they have gone 'tits-up' or there is a 'run' on them and they are about to implode.

Then the situation suddenly changes

... and they become "indispensable" instruments
... of the modern global finance system
... and they run cap in hand to every government who has a sympathetic ear (and a Chancellor of the Exchequer / Minister for Finance) and is will to bail their sad and sorry stupid numpty arses out with loadsa spondoolics courtesy of us poor suckers ... the tax-payer.
However this honeymoon period when they are so humble and thankful for being rescued ... well as one would expect it doesn't last ...
... after a very short time the hand-wringing / contemplative / apologetic attitude vaporises ...!

Then the real face emerges again and its back to
... "business as usual"

They then start all their corrupt two-faced robbing swine back-stabbing fraudster whore routine again.

The public complicity in this whole cycle of robbery; fraud; deception and then eating humble-pie till they get bailed out by the tax-payer once again is very important.

In this global age of 24hr news (CNN; BBC New 24; Fox etc etc)
People now suffer collective amnesia and can;'t even remember as far back as lat week never mind 15 yrs ago when we had the last economic recession.

FACE BOOK and other 'friends' sites is a large part of this dimming down of our culture.
Political correctness / political naivety also adds to the public's stupidity I suppose.

However all the banks are the same (even if they pretend to be 'all different' and 'diverse'

... total pish ...!

It's Hobson's Choice ...


So why did I goo through the motions with the young lass / new best mate / long-lost pal who is ecstatic to speak to me ... at the call centre
... harassing me in MY IMPORTANT LEISURE HOURS

Well simple really ...
1. The young girl's boss was listening (every unsolicited marketing call you receive is now pre-fixxed with the standard recorded message (all our calls are recorded for security and training purposes)

2. They are on commission ...
So the computer is programmed to measure the length of each of their sales and marketing agent's calls and analyse it
... if she does not have the correct number of what her bosses deem to be ... appropriate responses ... then she is on the lowest end of the pyramid with respect to pay and bonuses ... so in other words she starves for a whole month cos she only earns the basic shitey wage.

Anyway I listened to her robotic chicken head script as she referred to it constantly as she asked and repeated the same question several times only from a different angle ... I also asked her why she acted like a robot rather than thinking like a human.
No response ... on with her robot questioning.

All very depressing really!!

But that is why most people find sales and marketing calls tedious intrusive and irritating.

Call centre managers are a special breed of thick-skinned prick who lack any courtesy / decency sense of decorum.

... and they all tend to treat their sub-ordinates as shite

... if they are not cut from the same:
... shallow;
... self-opinionated;
... arrogant;
... loud-mouthed cloth as themselves.

So that is why I let the robot girl go to the end of her rant; set-script.
I still believe a young girl should eat ... just a shame we no longer have local offices for these people.

... within a short walk or drive from your house

... you would probably have to severely supress the urge to go round and petrol bomb them.

Cheeky fuckers that they are.

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