Tuesday 22 June 2010

A typical day for Willie and Sharon (our modeern Yorkshire-ites)

"Hey Shazz ... pass the phone huh!"

(Sharon passes him the phone)


"Ohh hiya is that Ms. Thompkins?"

Ms. Thompkins:
"Yes ... what can I do for you?"

Willie: "Ahh ... right loooo-vey
... got this appointment thingey at the Dole Office about

... emmmm
... Returning to Work

... ahhh ... but me with my ... ahhh

... "illness" ....!!"

Ms. Thompkins:
"Ohh yes Mr. Braithwaite ... I believe I spoke with your partner the other day ... do you receive Disability Living Allowance??"

"Yeah loooo-vie ... got that plus Incapacity Benefit ...!"

Ms. Thompkins:
"Ohh ... right then Mr. Braithwaite ... can you come down to my office tomorrow and see my colleague the Welfare Rights Support Worker??"Willie:
"No probs loooo-vey ...!! ... see ya ... bye ..."
(hangs up phone)

"Right Sharon order some speed and go down to LIDL's for some tinnies ... I am gasping for a beer and a bit of whizz ... that lass from Hebden Bridge ... ahh Ms. Thompkins is getting me a bigger Giro sorted ... hey let's have a party to celebrate Shazz babes ...!!"

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