Saturday 5 June 2010

Life can be wierd huh

Anyone reading this rambling garbagio ... will no doubt have noticed that I sometimes have a wee bit o' a cynical jaded view of British politics ... yes??

When I was a wee boy many moons ago I participated in several political campaigns and attached myself to several (seemingly) worthy causes.
However recently I have become dis-enchanted with Brit politicos (gthat should be self-evident from my descriptions and general writing style.

Humour helps me cope.
Many English (especially here in Yorkie-Bar-land) have lost their sense of humour.

SHAME ...!!
When I first came here Yorkshire humour (like Lancashire (Manchester) and Scouse (Liverpool) ) was similar in many respects to Scottish Irish /Welsh humour
... i.e. slightly self-deprecating
... very sarcastic
... and generally Left of Centre in perspective.

Shame really.
But too many Yorkshire fowk are too serious now ...!!!

Blair / Brown ... the sell-out wanker New Laboristas ... did more damage to Britaion than good (well in my humble opinion ... though others may disagree strongly)

In the 1980's during Maga-tollah Thatcher's time ... things were simpler.

FaceBook (or Jonny-No-Mates-Ville)

... as i REFER TO IT ...!!


... indeed I did not use the Internet up until 1995 ...!!
Back then it was AOL and NetScape driven and not as technologically sophisticated as it currently is.

Now ...

... every cunt
... and their granny is online

... and a lot of them talk complete & utter shite (most of the time it seems)
... about those talentless air-heads on the tv's
... X-Factor ... etc etc etc ...

(reaches for vomit bucket)

Now very few people have no real friends but lots of electronically simulated IMAGINARY ONES

(Vomits copiusly and loudly into the bucket)
Seems to me that a real friend is someone you can hug; kiss; laugh; cry with in real life ...

... and if she is sweet and sexy ...

(well for us lucky men anyway)

... she will get her kit off and let you play
... "hide the salchicha"

... for hours and weeks and months
... as you furiously grunt /groan and bang it intae each other vigorously.

Other sad cunts
... are not so lucky
... and think that sex is masturbating
... then shooting yer load over an Internet Web Cam
... at some moistened Bint in the USA or Australia or Russia ...

(Vomits again)

Naw ya sad lonely cunt
... thats called huvin' a wank
... spankin' the monkey
... jerkin' off

... You lonely sad fucker with nae real pals ...


SEX IS SWEAT; heat; the smell of perfume;
... and lots of flowing saliva mate

... unplug yon computer and get oot the hoose pal ...!!!

Will continue soon I am making some food ...!!

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