Sunday 6 June 2010

Got to thinking about my neighbour

A woman a few streets along from me ... white Northern English gal ... from Castleford (if memory serves me right ... but don't quote me on that one)

Onywayes I digress ... not important where she is from ... more important is what she actually does.

Single parent lass ... four kids by four different men (a wee bit like TV's Ulrike Jonnsen (i.e. 4 by 4)).
Married to the State (so to speak) and dependent on the tax-payer to finance her spunk-bucket life.

Well I guess this new geezer David Cameron who is now crackin' the whip will make the spunk-buckets dance to a different tune when he scraps benefits and Dole Money to pay off the huge debt Jessie Broon and Blair's laboristas saddled us wae.

The lass don't half talk a load of crap sometimes ... but I guess wae nae formal education to speak of yer no expecting a university professor's answers from her.
Although I do sometimes get a small modicom of Northern English gritty realism and some wit and wisdom.

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