Tuesday 15 June 2010

Spider catches fly

Tom was perplexed.
His lack of luck in what he was confident was just another sexual conquest proved to be fruitless.
Mercedes although quite attentive during their discussions was not receptive to his advances.
She had sat seemingly entranced and spellbound however she then abruptly stood up and went to the Ladies Room without even a by your leave or explanation as to her destination.

Meanwhile inside the cubicle Mercedes sat speaking into a device she had retrieved from her handbag, she spoke in Spanish.
“Contact … I have found Target 8 … we are in a cafĂ© in Leeds city centre.” She asked how to proceed.
“Esperamos ordenes …!” the reply came telling her to wait.

Ten minutes later she came back to find Tom almost at the exit he was speaking with a young lass in her early 20’s.
“Hi Tom … sorry I got held up shall we go someplace else?”
Mercedes dismissed the younger woman with a gesture of the hand however it was a motion whose authority and purpose were crystal clear. The girl scurried away.

Outside Mercedes snapped her finger and a car appeared.
“Get in Tom … Willie is going our way ...
... don’t worry he is my sister’s husband.”
Willie smiled a friendly greeting then ignored both of them for the rest of the time as he concentrated on the route.

Mercedes sat in very close proximity, Tom could almost taste her perfume.
They drove out towards the A1 (M).
Soon they accelerated past the A64 turn-off for York. Finally they reached the Otley / Wetherby turn-off and approached a farmhouse. Willie grinned and said ‘bye-bye’ as the other two got out. Mercedes led him up a pathway then produced an electronic gizmo which remotely opened the doors.
They were now inside an elevator which felt like it was going downward..
The computerised voice they were at Basement Level 4.
The air was still and a murmur of an extractor fan purred almost inaudibly. They walked out past a kitchen and through to a lounge area.
“Sit down I will get us a coffee …!” she smiled as she waved at a settee.

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