Tuesday 22 June 2010

Disturbed by religeous loonies at my door

What is it with these eejits who delude themselves with the 'salvation' of God.

Sitting perfectly happy in my garden enjoying lovely sunny day.
Up pops two numpties ...
... on a 'mission' to save the sinners.

These eejits are beneath contempt.

Self-satisfied self-riteous cunts.

You have to be downright offensive to these people to get rid of them ... but them they just come back
... mob-handed
... with a posse
... so to speak

Christ ...!!

You don't get a moments rest from these Christian Evangelical head-fucks.
You see this being a mainly white neighbourhood ... well they are worried that the other delusional head-fucks (i.e. the Muslims) are winning over more numpties than them.
So they constantly have to come around and try battering the weak-willed into submission with their absolute pish.

Anyway back to the gorgeous Yorkshire ladies.

This is what my gorgeous neighbour looks like with her sexy great big 'come to bed eyes'.
... she is a shapely dress-size 12 figure with lovely legs and big tits.

Yum yum ...!!

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