Tuesday 22 June 2010

more on Hebden Bridge

Hebden Bridge ...
Like Otley (also in West Yorkshire)

Acts like a magnet for these so-called 'cool' folks.

You know the kind

... sad bastards who have never grown up.

Pathetic shites who should have been slapped up and down the street
... in the 1960's and 1970's.

Fuckers who are (sadly)
... still stuck in their perpetual teenage years ...

Permanent whinging students ...

Permanent smelly hippie bums ...

Fuckin sad bastards who should have been fuckin shot in the 1960's ...

That way we would not be dealing with the consequences of their self-indulgent bull-shit.

Wish someone would invent a time machine
... so we could go back to the 1960's

... and bomb
... Woodstock /
... Haight Ashbury /
... the Isle of Wight Festival /
... Carnaby Street
... et al.

Fuckin useless self-indulgent pish.

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