Monday 21 June 2010

Head off to York.

Wee change of surroundings always makes for a wee bit of variety I suppose.
Ahh this single life thingey and my new found freedom to roam without having to wonder whether or not my ‘other half’ is supportive of the idea.

Quite alright being single during the short nights / long days of mid-June
… however obviously not mahh kinda thing once we get to January – February.

Met this dishy Northern Irish lass earlier this afternoon in a shop in York.
She was fairly cute; slim; tall (about 5’8”); dark-haired;

... aged about somewhere between 28 and 33 yrs old.

Yummy …!

Got chatting as you do casually as you move around the aisles of a shop.

I have always like N.Irish lasses (I had a girlfriend from Belfast about 15 yrs ago and she was lovely).
It’s their accent I like (very sexy way women from there speak) but obviously the women are tasty as well.
Always get a good laugh with a Northern Irish lass too.

… as I quickly discovered
… she had two kids with her.
Shame …!!
However enjoyed the chat with her before the inevitable

… ‘Mummy who is this?’

Put this photo in just to demonstrate just how gorgeous Belfast lasses tend to be ...!!

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