Saturday 5 June 2010

Social Science is for half-wits

Long Hard look around at Modern Britain (and every other country for that matter too)
If I can temporarily suspend and bracket my sceptical outlook for just a wee minute.
Let’s take a look at why the planet is in such a f’ng mess for a second … mainly because most (so-called) ‘world-leaders’ are thick as pig-shit.
So many people study pish at university nowadays.
Blair and Brown here in Britain expanded the ‘university system’ and lots of run-of-the-mill polytechnics (jumped up pishy colleges in other words) were suddenly ‘upgraded’ to the status of a university.
Now (traditionally) only a small percentage of the brightest got to go to universities (in the 1970’ (when Blair /Brown and these other corrupt fuck-pigs were at university)) … it was about five percent (5%) of the population went into the Higher Education System.This was appropriate back 35 years ago when Brown / Blair and the keech went to uni.
Britain and indeed most of Europe looked different back 35 yrs ago. Now with the extremely rapid expansion of Higher Education there are too many stupid air-head courses in horse-shit-ology.

Now … any pish passes for ‘academic’ ...

… whereas traditionally people would learn on the job.
… an apprenticeship in other words.

Now all sorts of crap
... of a university degree.

… naw pish is pish ...

.,.. shite is shite
… and Social Science is realm of the fool
... and the thicko who does not have the intellectual wherewithal

... to break wind

… never mind philosophise in a rational intelligent manner.

Social Science is rubbish for pseudo-intellectuals.
However now lots of people study it then talk crap.

Even judges and lawyers now come from this phoney pseudo-intellectual pish nowadays.
These is dangerous because policy is created by cretins with no proper training in logical rational thought who actually believe that the toilet-paper they call their academic qualifications actually entitle them to make important decisions and direct the future of our increasingly complex societies.

Naw …
… crap-in … crap-out actually …!!

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