Wednesday 23 June 2010

Problems again with Muslim integration.

Met an old colleague this evening who has had quite a radical career change in recent years.

She currently works in a centre of refugee women in West Yorkshire (mainly battered women).
Her job is obviously quite harrowing.

I was listening intently when I met her for a coffee earlier on this evening.
She is bound by client cofidentiality so will not discuss specific cases with me.
However most of her 'clients' are battered Muslim women.
The commonest form of abuse she deals with
... apart from rape (which she encounters daily amongst her Muslim clientele)

... is girls / women beat up by fathers; brothers; male cousins and uncles ...
... for
... bringing disgrace upon the family and offending family honour.

It is time David Cameron got a grip of this country.
As I have said before Britain
... like most of Western Europe is too soft on Islam.

Islam is not a religion in my opinion but is instead a fascist political ideology which cannot be integrated into the modern democratic way of life here in Europe.
Islam by its fascistic authoritarian nature is completely opposed to democracy and the freedoms which are part and parcel of living in a modern democratic society.

Muslims do not integrate
... because they do not wish to.
Islam by its very schitzoid dualistic nature
... is incompatible with our modern way of life.

Muslims need to be told straight ...
If you wish to integrate ...
... renounce Islam.
Either become atheist /agnostic like most British (and European) citizens;


convert to Christianity or Judeaism
... (should they feel that they requirement to subscribe to the crippling way of life of a religeous zealot).

Mosques and madrassas should be given notice that they are to close immediately.

New arrivals should be told CLEARLY that in order to integrate with modernity ...

... they need to make a clean break with the backward crap from their Old Country.

... about women 'DIS-HONONOURING' their families

... is a throwback to ancient barbaric crap which has been imported (and not properly challenged.

Anyway I listened to my friend and her tales of all the Muslim women she deals with and I thought ...
... time Islam was irradicated from Europe.
We need to take a tough line here.

The French and Belgians have recently taken out new laws making it illegal to wear a burka.

Britain should also outlaw the burka and hijab.
It is quite a common site in Yorkshire streetS (Especially on the streets of Leeds; Bradford; Dewsbury and Huddersfield) to see this barbaric unifor of women's enslavement and repression.

No more burkas or hijabs.

Shut down the mosques NOW.

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