Sunday 6 June 2010

A tour of the local rural dods ... and the sexy ladies in North Yorkshire

Ginny’s bra is in a wee bit of a twist
Boroughbridge has a cute wee High Street leading to a square housing war memorial statues and memorials.
Boroughbridge is another small North Yorkshire market town like many others. It has a Morrison’s supermercado adjacent to the motorway exit from Leeds. It was a sunny warm late September morning when Kenny parked on the main drag adjacent to the women’s lingerie store and the estate agent’s shop.
A young woman in her early 20’s chatted loudly on her mobile phone to her friend. She was a tall Yorkshire blonde with a red frilly shirt dressed in a pair of riding boots with jodhpurs.
“I say … steady on Camilla, I do know what you are talking about actually … I ain’t just some dumb Limey blonde bitch actually!”
She pursed her lips and awaited the reply.
Kenny looked around, the girl who worked at the bra shop came out onto the pavement and lit a Benson.
The jodhpurs lass continued defending her corner on her phone.
The shop assistant waived at her then drew on her fag.
Five years previously in 2004, Kenny had stood on the very same high street cuddling Cindy.
“C’mon babes … old hag there in the Blue-rinse is giving us filthy look and I’d say that it looks like we shouldn’t snog here!” She gave the old woman a derisive grin then slapped his bum.
“C’mon let’s go get shagged … that old bag hasn’t done that … for at least 40 years … excuse me dear … can you move yer broomstick so we can get past? There now my dear … that wasn’t too hard ehh … come now Kenneth I need a damn good Rogering … let’s go!”
Cindy’s mum lived in nearby Mallard Walk, in a rather large house she purchased after receiving a large pay-out from a recently deceased sister.
“C’mon … let’s do it on the swing here in the garden!” Cindy grinned pushing him gently down onto the improvised swing then she straddled him and pushed her knickers aside under her mini-kilt.
Cindy’s phone rang and she picked it up.
The signal suddenly failed and the screen echoed:
‘… call ended … emergency calls only …’
They carried on shagging.

Meanwhile back in 2009, Kenny’s phone rang.
It was the Diora Baird look-alike lawyer lass he had seen at the motorway services in Wetherby.
“Hi stranger … how’s things Ken? … bet you never thought I’d use this number when you gave it me that night huh?”
“Christ Jayne … is that you? How lovely to hear from you again!”
He walked past Ginny’s Ladies wear shop and stood on the ally next to Hunter’s Estate Agent’s.
The horse-riding lass had finished talking to pal Camilla and stood chatting with her other pal from the bra shop nearby.
“Hi Penelope … gosh I have not seen you … Ohh since that afternoon in Marton cum Grafton at the Punch Bowl pub … do you remember Sandra my friend from school … she said you looked all exotic after your trip to Harvey Nick’s in Leeds … wow Penny … you look tanned!”
“Yes just back from Bermuda on my jollies!”
“Yes I was in Harvey Nick’s yester with Julian … you know him that cute pilot from RAF Linton on Ouse?”
“Ohh yes … he is a sweetie hmmm!” Penelope grinned with a hint of jealousy vaguely camouflaged by the smile.
Kenny continued with Jayne as the two young ladies went inside the bra shop. Kenny asked Jayne to meet him.
“Can’t hun … my sister in Harrogate is having a dinner party and I have to get organised … how about tomorrow?”
He hung up as Penelope and the other lass exited then crossed the street to the coffee shop.
It had laid out some tables in the pavement and a group of touring cyclists sat drinking coffee outside.
Cindy had worked briefly at the café as a waitress.
His mobile rang again.
“Listen I can meet you in Boroughbridge Morrison’s if you fancy at 15:45hrs … how’s that sound?”
“Yea brilliant Jayne … see you there!”
He drove down to Knaresborough to collect a computer from Ben.
At 14:58hrs he bid Ben a fond farewell then got back to return to Boroughbridge.
Jayne was sat on the wall at the front entrance when he drove past the petrol station and into the supermarket car park. She wore a revealing pink mini-dress with red ankle boots. She also wore expensive jewellery.
She stood up to hug and greet him, her large breasts pressed tightly to his chest seductively.
“Coffee??” he asked.
“Nahh hun I got one here!” Jayne smiled looking good enough to eat.
He had forgotten in the intervening two months what a strikingly gorgeous tall graceful example of Yorkshire beauty Jayne actually was.
She lifted her Ray-Ban’s off the table and followed him inside.
Penelope and the girl sat inside at a table chatting in an animated loud fashion. Jayne balanced on the end of the counter as the waitress fetched a coffee and two buns.
“Sit down and I can bring it Sir!” she smiled at him.
Jayne and Kenny went back outside where the group had gathered their bicycles and were setting off now.
Jayne flirted openly and sat her arm on his leg under the table.
The young lass brought the food and coffee.
“Can I have a fresh black coffee please?”
“Certainly Madam … one moment … ehh that’s four sixty please Sir!”
Suddenly the frantic looking proprietor of Ginny’s appeared with a worried facial expression on her coupon.
“My daughter has fallen off her horse can you and your pal watch the shop? Here’s the keys … I have to go to York General Infirmary!”
The two lasses left rapidly as the woman passed the clothes shop keys and jumped into her awaiting BMW X5.
Kenny and Jayne observed them casually.
The wheels of the German 4 by 4 span and burnt rubber as she sped off up the High Street towards the bend near the monument.
Penelope unlocked the shop and they both went inside.
She dialled Camilla.
“Can’t meet you Cams … got to help in a small crisis here in the town!”
“Hey c’mon forget that jealous bitch … I need to go see Michael!” the other girl barked sharply and ran back out into the street.
“Mike … I will be late … catch you soon babes!” she frowned then ran off back to Penelope. Michael stood scratching his head outside Hunter’s.
Jayne gently took Kenny’s hand and brush it near her panties.
“Feel how wet I am?”
“Aye … yer gaggin’ furrit huh?” he laughed semi-mockingly.
“Kenny … sweetheart … don’t mock the afflicted darling!”
“Suppose we should go someplace and I’ll give ya a servicing then hen!”
Jayne had a friend in Grafton, the next village down towards the A59 turnoff of the A1(M).
Marton cum Grafton is relatively affluent, like other nearby villages.
They drove past the Punch Bowl pub and the Post Office then up a side street to a house with a large garden.
“Helen and hubs are off in California … you can shag me here honey!”
The sex was fast and furious whilst Jayne howled and he groaned.
Regaining their post-coital breaths they sat up in bed.
“Nice wee house yer pal and her husband have here Jayne.”
“Yea … why can’t they all be Californians huh!” she purred gently kissing his neck whilst his hand slid around her waist.
“Let’s go to the village pub for a wee drink!” he grinned.
The Punch Bowl has a beer garden which was full of parents and young kids running around whooping.
“Didn’t take long to walk here ehh?”
“Nahh Jayne ye got that right babe!” He watched as Jayne took of her sun glasses then they went inside to order.
“Hot day ehh?” the bar maid grinned.
Jayne drew her fingers thru her long blonde hair as she paid the lass.
“My treat!” she laughed.
“Aye sit doon ya randy bitch!” he laughed as they sat down.
“Hmmmm … wazz-ooop lad?”
“You Leeds lawyers are all wee hornpieces really huh?”
“Oooohh … so that’s what you tell yer Loiner lady friends huh?”
“Nahh I used to know a lawyer girl from Skipton … about 8 years ago … but she wasn’t as demure … and quite as godamn sexy as you!”
Jayne gave him a pussycat smile then sipped her wine.
She shook her tits in mock shock then stirred his ice into the Red Bull.
A group of five women and three blokes sat at the next table talking about the economic recession and recent local business failures.
“Jayne … what brings you to our humble hostelry then?”
“Ohh hi Samantha … thought it was you … thought you had moved to Birmingham or something?”
Samantha was a tall auburn haired slim woman in her mid 30’s.
“Nope I just got engaged to Simon here …!” she smiled pointing to her 40 something partner who sat in a pair of blue jeans and a designer short-sleeved black shirt.
“So Sam are you still a lawyer?”
“Nahh Jayne … had three kids and I work from home via the Web.”
“So what’s Simon do?”
“Well apart from finally making an honest woman of me … he runs shops and office premises!”
“Aw facilities management huh? So you telecommute in between wiping food from baby’s mouths huh?”
Three young late teenage lasses entered dressed in shorts and mini-skirts, they were joined by 3 young men at the bar.
“Polly … don’t forget to clean your room!” Samantha curtly ordered one of the teen girls. Her daughter dismissed the motherly comments and continued talking with one of the young lads.
“Hi Mrs. Davis … my mum asked me to say hello!” another young girl smiled as her pal continued ignoring her mum.
Jayne and Kenny exited into the sunshine to go fetch the car.

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