Tuesday 22 June 2010

Ms. Thompkins (description of)

Ms. Thompkins is 37 years old
... unmarried
... living on her own in Hebden Bridge West Yorkshire
... (a kind of time-warped piece of the 1960's frozen in space-time).

Hebden Bridge is one of theses 'cool' place where men in their 40's and 50's walk around with pony-tails and grey hair ... and are msad cunts who are 're-cycled teenagers'
... i.e Mummy's boys who never grew up.

Ms. Thompkins can be described as follows:

... no kids yet
... pretty unlikely to have any

... since she has 'passed the "window of opportunity" ... viz a vis fertility'

In other words she will grow old on her own cos she missed the boat with regard to having kids in her 20's like most normal women do.

Ms. Thompkins

... like the white trash she 'supports'
Is typical of what has gone wrong under 30 years of:

... Thatcher /
... Major /
... Blair and Brown

...in modern Britain
... and what was the white working class who have been side-lined and systematically ignored in the past 30 years.

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