Sunday 6 June 2010

Distraction ... to help you understand my local area

David was at a hotel in Sheffield, had an arrangement to meet senor Martinez and his wife off the plane at Manchester Airport.
Unfortunately the Martinez’s plane was delayed and the next available flight from Buenos Aires did not arrive till that night.
It was 11:00hrs on Monday now.
Bored and seeking distraction he flicked through the chapters of a crap DVD the hotel receptionist had given him … the usual gung-ho Hollywood garbagio. The All-American asshole in a situation who flirts with death to get the job done properly.
David had been head-hunted from the University of Glasgow after graduation, had risen through the ranks fast, moved from one branch of the I.T. firm to another before become a Director at 28 years of age.
Now ten years on, as he approached his 38th birthday, he was divorced and now working for his original employer’s rival. He earned 93 grand a year. Sally his ex-wife and wee Davey his son got a small portion of that in alimony. However Sally had left him for Pete, the Sales Director.
Pete was wealthy enough that the Child Support Agency did not push too hard … so David still had a significant amount of disposable income once his mortgage and bills were paid each month.
Sally was from Aberdeen, the daughter of a Mud Engineer who worked in North Sea oil.
They had originally met at Uni.
David had gone to an ordinary working class school in Glasgow, but was fortunate enough to be academically successful.

It was an October day in 2007 now.
Martínez rang his móvil.
“Hola Enrique… como estas?” David replied.
His client explained that adverse weather conditions in Argentina had delayed the flight a couple more hours.
“We won’t get there till Wednesday night David!” Enrique moaned.
David would have to hang around that crummy hotel one extra night now.
He drove around Barnsley and was about to head back toward Sheffield when his petrol low warning light flashed.
A girl in her mid-twenties pushing a pram stopped as he leaned out the window to ask if there was a nearby garage.
Without even asking, she jumped into his car.
“I am going that way … to collect the daughter … from the doctor’s clinic, give me a lift and I can show you.”

She was dress in grey track-suit bottoms slightly soiled; a red jersey; and a blue anorak type jacket and pink ankle boots.
“Sorry about the smell … it’s little’un’s vomit …!”
“My names Claire … and you?” she grinned in her broad South Yorks accent, puffing on her Silk Cut.
He told her his name and she took him two miles to the petrol station.
“The fuckin’ bus is late and the doctor’s receptionist is a cheeky cow when I am late … thanks for the lift … nice car … is it a Mercedes?”
David nodded and explained that it was an SLK Limited Edition.

“Ahh burr it’s still a Merc yea?”
“Yea that’s right love.”
Claire was quite pleased and obviously impressed by the apparent wealth of her new-found driver. She pointed suddenly.
“It’s there David … if I pop in this shop you can get petrol while I buy nappies … then you can meet my little Shelly at the doctor’s if you fancy … we could go furrah cuppa at that café there.”
She pointed to the café in the parade of grubby shops.
Claire was sat in the passenger side tuning in some loud dance music radio station as he got back from paying at the kiosk.
“It’s Galaxy 105 … really bangin’ tunes they play on Galaxy.”
“You like to dance then Claire?”
“Yea … five years ago … I worked in clubs … knew all the DJ’s … even spent a summer in Ibiza … then … yon eejit Michael … got me pregnant in 2003 … he fucked off soon after Shelly arrived in 2004 … bastard DJ prick … left me for some slapper from London he met at Creamfields … total cunt … he gave me nothing … said Shelly was some other blokes … then he disappeared … left me with absolutely nothing … I got a shitey Council House … and his mum sometimes send a birthday card for Shelly.” Claire was quite animated as she recalled her recent past.
He sat in the reception area of the Clinic whilst Claire retrieved her daughter; the receptionist gave David the eagle eye, making him feel uncomfortable and eager to leave.
Claire re-appeared with the baby girl in her arm.
“Let’s go mate …” she then turned to the receptionist … “yea bye now … ya jealous old bag … enjoy Eastenders won’t you sad old fucker!!”
Out in the car park her focus turned to her daughter.
Self absorbed in her baby … and its endless demands … Claire blanked David out.
“Fancy coffee in town instead?”
“Not fussed … can we go somewhere with a toilet? … this one needs her shitty nappy changin’!”
The staff at Café Nero gave Claire the eyeball because she was loud.
“Posh here ehh … this coffee is fancy ehh!!” she grinned.
Claire sat close; David could almost smell her perfume above the smell of vomit and faeces.
“Shelly got a tummy bug … can’t keep her food down … she leaks and both ends … don’t ya darlin’!” Claire grinned half focused on him.
“Can the young lady move the babies pram please … it is blocking the corridor.” Bill the Duty Manager firmly requested.

David got a text confirming the Martinez’s flight plans.
“Fancy mobey … what network is yer phone?”
Claire sat Shelly on her lap as she finished her coffee.
“You hungry? It’s just I got this expense account dinner thing and you seem like a nice lass … I will treat you.”
Claire gave him a huge grin and nudged him affectionately.
“Your hotel is in Sheffield … we can drop Shelly at my mum’s on the way … I need to change clothes though … and I need kids clothes to give me mum … I live near here … it ain’t outta yer way is it?”
“No problem …!”
Claire lived in as he expected a run down Council estate on the outskirts of Barnsley.
Blair and Brown’s Boom had passed it by … deliberately.
“Watch the settee love Shelly puked on it earlier.”
She disappeared upstairs then shouted down to him.
“Put on the telly … I’ll share a bath with the little’ un … saves me on my Gas Bill love … make yerself comfortable.”
Water flushed and flowed above as he plugged in his laptop.
David inserted the Mobile Broadband dongle into the USB Port and went online.
“… Establishing Internet Connection …!” it echoed. Forty minutes passed. A vision of loveliness re-entered the room.
Claire was transformed into a very attractive and reasonably dressed girl.
“Got this gear from a posh shop in Meadowhall at the sales.”
Claire now stood in a white blouse, unbuttoned to her bra; a short tartan mini skirt; black tights and black leather ankle stilettos. “Ya like it??”
She span around on her heels, he grinned back his approval.
Her hair was shoulder length and a curly auburnish brown.
She had previously had it tied back in a ponytail.
“You look beautiful Claire.”
“Shelly is asleep … I will fetch her … you could take the pram and this travel bag out to the car if ya fancy.”
Out in the car, they drove to her mum’s.
“Yea mum, I am going off to a night out … with a nice guy! She put her mobile back in her pocket … “good to get a break” … “… I don’t get much adult company … it’s nice … to get a rest … from kid’s cartoons and fuckin Bob … the Bloody Builder and those Teletubbies …!”
He pulled up past her mother’s house.
Claire jumped out with the pram under one arm; the kit-bag slung over her shoulder; and Shelly fast asleep in her other arm.
She dashed quickly into her mother’s house.
120 seconds later she was back in his car. She kissed him on the cheek.
“Drive mate … let’s go afore mum changes her mind.”
Claire’s demeanour changed completely … she was no longer a single parent worn down with worries and woes … she was now in party mode.
“Ya hungry then?”
“Aw yea Dave!” She replied, shifting his hand off the gear stick onto her kneecap gently. A wave of passion passed over him.
“Pull over at this lay-by …I want to show ya sumfin!”
He indicated and pulled over.
The handbrake was barely on and she though her arms around him.
She planted … a very passionate kiss … he was taken aback
… by how forward she was.
Her blouse was off
… and her skirt at her ankles within two minutes.
“Wanna shag here … or at yer hotel David?”
“Jesus … too right … we will get arrested here in this lay-by!!”
She pulled up her tights and skirt and re-buttoned her blouse.
Back at the hotel, they both undressed quickly.
The sheets were now wet and their breathing returned to normal.
“There is a Jacuzzi in there!!” he smiled.
“Nahh … let’s just lie still for five!” She replied.

Martinez suddenly tapped him on the shoulder.
“Come on Davie laddie … you were light years away there man … what happened you suddenly lost your focus … are you going senile on us amigo … come on wake up buddy!!”

“Sorry Enrique … will we stop for coffee … huh?
… I just … uhhhh
… well
… I had a daft dream
… about some local chica that I met at the petrol station this afternoon!”

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