Tuesday 15 June 2010

Spider parte dos

She re-appeared with coffee.

They chatted as he casually sipped from the cup.

Her facial skin glistened a strange translucent green colour.
Realising he had been drugged he started winking out of consciousness.
His vision was first to go

… then he fell over and collapsed.

He awoke several hours later.
Semi-conscious he glanced up at Mercedes, but she was self-absorbed and speaking with someone unknown in a strange tongue.
She was now completely green in facial complexion … however her legs and arms retained her original tanned olive hue.

He drift back to slumber again.

Next time he awoke he was more awake but felt paralysed like some kind of debilitating sedative had frozen his limbs.
Tom was also aware that he was in some kind of high-velocity vehicle but did not know if he was in the air or on the ground.
“Lie still …!” she grimaced, her face almost devoid of emotion.
Mercedes was still gorgeous but now looked quite intense and very serious rather than the fun-filled ‘happy-go-lucky’ lass he had first met in Leeds before.

“Final descent … on glide-path” the computerised voice of the craft’s navigation system reported monotonously.
It then stated that they had landed.
“Don’t move … we shall transport you inside!”
At that she was joined by a huge muscle-bound man dressed in black.

They transferred inside a building, the automated voice reported they were now on Level 23.
Her green face shone then she plunged a syringe into his arm.
He was knocked out.
He awoke to a loud whirring sound and to find he was being scanned by beams of light which shifted from blue to green and beeped at each colour transition.

Mercedes re-appeared this time looking normal with no green face.
“We had to ensure that you were not one of them … you appreciate that we do not tolerate threats and that we have been infiltrated before so now we are extremely stringent.” She grinned almost looking happy that Tom had passed the tests with flying colours.

He glanced up at her radiant beauty.

“Where am I now?” he asked expectantly.

“Welcome to H.Q. …this is our Primary Base … you are in the in the USA … well the Nevada Desert to be precise … we are The Organisation … we apologise for our unorthodox transportations but we need to be cautious with you British … and all other Europeans in fact these days.”

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