Tuesday 22 June 2010

Do Social Workers actually produce anything of value??

Got to laugh ...
Well let's face it if we did not laugh at how ridiculous modern Europe is becoming we would not function.

However ...
Today I wish to function on Social Worker

... that load of silly bollocks whose function is obscure and whose existance no-one would really miss (let's be honest who would really miss them??)

Here in sunny Yorkshire (well it is sunny today since it's just gone Mid-summer and the Summer Solstice)

Just about every fucked up numpty and their dug has a Social Worker

...(or some other crap fuckin' hand-wringing Middle Class social fascist to "support" them)

Yorkshire has a hyper-abundance of these dunder-heids and useless numpties (all paid for by tax-payers money).

Let's look ...
In my street there are about 8 of them on Social Seecurity Benefit 'for life'
(that I know of anyway) ...

Useless work-shy lazy scum-bags who used to be called the Long-term unemployed.
Now they are (sic) "Venerable" or some other pish ...!!

What they all have in common though is some form of 'support-worker'
A support worker is like an advocate ... a link bridge so to speak for the inarticulate (or less well educated) so-called

... "ordinary people"

You know who I am refering to ...
In America they are the 'white trash' or 'trailer trash'
In other places they are the lower end of the lumpen proletariat.

In other words the scum that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown systematically by-passed during the 'Boom years' of New Labour.
Sink Estates;

Call them what you like but they are the remains of what was the white working class.

Now they are labelled as "victims"
or casualties.

Sad really.
Will David Cameron
... actually do anything
... to address the issue??

Doubt it ...!!You know what that means ...??

Yup more work for Social Workers.

Interfering Middle Class hand-wringers to me and you.

As I said if all Social Workers spontaneously vaporised overnight

... would anyone actually mourn their passing or actuall carem about their loss??

Nope ...

Good riddence to bad rubbish.
The sooner that Social Workers no longer exist the better for all of us

... actually

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