Sunday 6 June 2010

yon dunder-heid President Hussain O'Wanker

Exiting the building, a throng of excitement enveloped him as journalists jockeyed for position
“Excuse me Sir … NBC News Sir … do you care to comment on your meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister … on the Iranian nuclear situation Mr President Sir?”
Barrack Obama walked past the journalists to the awaiting vehicle.
His aides ushered him into the car. His wife followed behind.
“Barney can you check if the British guy … what’s his name …?”
“You mean Prime Minister Brown Sir?”
“Yea Barney him!”
“Yes Sir the British Ambassador is waiting to see you in Washington.”
“Ahh good Barney … I suppose for the sake of the Press we have to keep up appearances huh … can’t have media speculation run wild about snubs … or the end of the so-called Special Relationship we have with the British … all this idle talk of it going stale now … can we Barney?”
“No Sireeh Sir … I will issue a statement right away to quash rumours that you and Prime Minister Brown are not on good terms Sir!”
“Thanks … Jesus Christ Barney is there any rum in that drinks cabinet there … I could sure use one!”
His wife Michele suddenly piped up.
“Darling it’s way too early for alcohol … what happened to your healthy lifestyle you were on about … to that guy from Californian radio about yesterday … come now darling have some cranberry juice instead!”
Obama ignored her and stretched out for the large glass of booze his aide had just retrieved from the limousine’s drinks cabinet.
He swallowed it rapidly conscious that he only had a few minutes till his next speaking engagement.
“Mr President I have the British Ambassador on the line now … he says he would like you to meet his boss Mr. Brown this afternoon in New York … what shall I tell him Sir?”
“Oh hell the usual bullshit Alfred … tell him I have a full schedule and that Mr Brown will be postponed till I have spoken with Angela the German Chancellor and that French guy … ahh Sarcozy?”
“Ok Sir … ahh hello … you still there pal … ahh good … the President is meeting the French Prime Minister today and then later with the German leader Mrs Merkel … we … ahhh … can’t slot your guy in today unfortunately!”

They arrived at the next venue and were ushered inside quickly.
Obama walked to the podium as the aide announced.
“Ladies and gentlemen … the President of the United States!”

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