Sunday 6 June 2010

More oan the spunk bucket neighbour

Nice enough lass.

Friendly enough too

... always says hello if ya meet her on the street.

However I have now known her for 7 years ... she was just a pretty young lass of 23 when I first saw her ... now she looks a lot older than 30 ... her current age.
Still that is life in Blair/ Broon / Cameron's modern Britain for ya I suppose.

If I did not know her true age & Date of Birth (I wrote her a reply to an Official Court letter she had from a case she was a Prosecution Witness for).
If I did not actually know she was only just 30 I would estimate her age to be about 41 or 42 yrs old.

That is a pity ... she used to look quite fetching in her mini-skirts
... and bikinis (during the hot summer months)
... quite a tasty well built lass when she was in her early to mid-20's

... 6 or seven yrs ago that was
... but mother-hood and un-employment
... withoot a regular man in her life
... to support; protect nourish and to care for her
... well she seems to be a magnet for hard-luck cases really.

Some right lunk-heid boyfriends she has had ... a bit like an episode of Channel 4 TV's
... "Shameless"... only less entertaining and more gritty.

Suppose that is standard stuff for modern women of the Working Class though ... If they don't find a decent bloke
... they get burnt out pretty fast and rapidly change from delicious young nubiles to worn-out old boilers fast huh.

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