Tuesday 15 June 2010

Spider ... continued

He sat still as requested by Mercedes.
“So why have you kidnapped me and brought me here to America?”
She was silent for three or four seconds like she was working out a suitable reply. Someone had brought him some food, although he had not eaten for three days … he was ravenous … somehow he did not trust it and pretended not to be interested.
“Tom … you should eat something to help you recover … we had to bring you here … Britain is becoming an unreliable island … too many infiltrators getting through … your border controls are completely porous and your government structures are riddled with sympathisers of the infiltrators … so we had no choice … sorry about the drugged rendition!”

Her gorgeous smile put him more at ease.

“So what crime have I committed that I require to be drugged; kidnapped and unfairly confined here?”
“We brought you here because we believe you display a very high level of what we call ‘powers’ … so we can assist you develop them for the benefit of people in the Liberated Zone.”

Mercedes left to return in five more minutes dressed in a party outfit: ultra micro-mini shorts; and a top which looked more like a bra than a t-shirt.

He finally succumbed to his hunger because he figured that they did not find him threatening enough to sedate again so he figured that the food was not drugged.
He ate with gusto, in an almost cat-like fashion gulping it down rapidly.
He noticed a rise in the room temperature.

Mercedes fiddled with a device she produced from her bag then spoke into it.
“Yes I am with him now … we are in G-sector; F-section.”

Two minutes later the door swished open and in confidently swaggered a tall slim man smoking a cigarette, he offered Tom one which he took gladly.

“Hi I am McKorkendale … project leader for this section.” His New York accented voice burred.
Tom drew on the cigarette slowly then coughed, Mercedes giggled.

She stood in close proximity to him and he could feel her flesh brush his arm. McKorkendale finished his cigarette then asked.

“So … has my lovely Spanish Brit colleague here … ahhh … filled you in as to why we brought you are here?”

Tom shook his head.
“I am none the wiser mate … said something about ‘powers’ but was pretty vague … you mean like extra-sensory perception then??”

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